How to sumit a novel to tor publishing
How to sumit a novel to tor publishing

  • Think about your pitch letter. I’ve seen many submissions where an author has either sent in no pitch letter, or just a long summary of the novel’s plot.
  • how to sumit a novel to tor publishing

    For this reason, I’m going to share my all-time top ten tips for getting your novel published.

    how to sumit a novel to tor publishing

    One thing we have found though, is that despite the wealth of information available about how to write a novel and get published, there are still a few steps some aspiring writers fall down on. As there are only three of us and we all work full-time on the list, it’s a matter of trying to grab some reading time in that tenuous fantasy-like thing ‘free time’, but we’re trying! And we got a LOT of submissions – we’re still continuing to work through them. However, in January of last year, we decided to open our doors to the SFF community there’s plenty of talent out there and we know that many of them would still find it preferable to be published traditionally than go down the self-publishing route. When you consider how much work there is involved in publishing, how many agented scripts are submitted and how few hours there are in the day – you can understand why! We are one of the few major publishers in the UK to accept direct submissions.

    how to sumit a novel to tor publishing

    Many well-known authors have found success after having been discovered on the slush pile, including a few of our own long-term authors. One of the perks of working for Tor is reading the ‘slush pile’.

    How to sumit a novel to tor publishing